Friday, December 19, 2008

FREE Holiday WordPress Goodies and Templates!

Whether you're a business owner or website designer, chances are you might be feeling a bit blue from the effects of the economy these last few months.

Well it's time to cheer up!

If you've been out hunting Christmas or Holiday themes for your blog, website or pc I found a collection of sites with some great holiday offers, and some amazing goodies you can have to spruce things for the holidays.

Psst! For all the web designers who have been feeling the pinch, don't forget to plug into these sites to see if you can help your clients take advantage of some great (affordable) WordPress themes and website templates.


Is your blog or website currently done with WordPress? Spruce it up with some holiday cheer. Follow the link below to see what Wordpress goodies you can have FREE:

Free Christmas Wordpress Themes Website Templates Blog
Just like your office or home, why not add some stockings, tinsel or a Christmas tree to your website or web blog? If you want your blog to have a holiday look you can easily switch to any Christmas Theme from our post. ...

*Web Templates*

Web Templates Blog » Blog Archive » Hey web designers; these ...
“What are the other holiday specials from Template Monster?” you may ask. These are 15% discount for each Christmas Template and also Free Christmas Icon Set. Note these specials are active for this holiday season so you’d better hurry ...

Web Templates Blog » Blog Archive » Web Design Freebies: free ...
This burst of holiday promos will last all holiday season long. Seems it’s a good reason to revisit Template Monster each weekend and see what these striking specials are all about. It was announced that free hosting offer isn’t just a ...

*Free Holiday Icons/Fonts*

Web Templates Blog » Blog Archive » Free Christmas icons, fonts ...

In the glitz, lights and glamour of the Holiday season is your website looking gloomy? If not, go on reading to find bright and colorful Christmas templates, Christmas banners, Christmas fonts and Christmas Photoshop brushes for your ...

Have a great Friday everyone!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Virtual Employees Help Website Conversions

Over my last vacation (to Las Vegas) I sat thinking about the ideal situation for helping those who come to my website looking for products or services. When I'm gone, unless my assistant is available, then it's sometimes difficult for people to get an immediate answer to a question. They might have to send an email and wait for an hour or so for us to respond, OR they might have to call and leave a message.

Okay, no big deal I suppose. What's an hour when you have a lifetime right?


I decided to do some research on how to tackle this issue when I returned. I want people to feel as though I can be there in person to assist them if they have questions. After all, as they say "the fortune is in the follow-up."

My research led me to something that although it's not completely new technology could possibly solve my (and your) issues when you cannot personally attend to your site visitors. This is also a big one for me because I need an answer that provides solutions for getting visitor questions answered even when I'm busy working on something and cannot be interrupted.

Have you heard of Site Pal? SitePal is web-based software that allows you to create animated speaking characters that act as virtual employees on your website.


After investigating I learned that process is virtually automated, no technical experience is required and your characters can be changed whenever you want.

Using SitePal's easy-to-use, powerful online editing tool, you can:
• Customize the character to your liking
• Add audio through either voice recording or text-to-speech functionality
• Publish it to your website within minutes

For those of us who would like to be featured talking on our sites, but don't want to or aren't able to invest in video, they also feature a very neat photo-to-avatar conversion. So you can still put your own face forward on your website to assist your customers.

Here's some examples of how I would recommend using a Site Pal employee:

* Engage your visitors by asking them to take action and sign up for that great FREE report you give away with your newsletter.

* Provide information on specific products and services on your site.

* Increase conversions by having your Site Pal employee discuss your upcoming events and teleseminars.

The application is practically unlimited. For more information on site Pal, visit the links below:

Site Pal Website - Create an animated, talking character to assist your website visitors.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Web Designer vs. Web-Template System; How To Know Which One Is Right For You!

Just today I opened another one. An email claiming that anyone, YES YOU TOO, can design your own website - without any training or code writing.

Technically it's true that anyone CAN build their own website. Should you try and develop your own website or hire a professional? This is an important decision every person or business must make when they decide to develop a website for their next venture and I dedicated a chapter in my book to helping guide you through this choice.

Although technically you can use custom graphics anytime you wish or can use a website template for even the most advanced of websites, the goal of the questions below is to help determine the right tool for the job. An example would be chartering a plane to fly you from the U.S. to England. Would you want a jumbo jet with four big engines or a small puddle jumper with two?

I use the same logic for building websites.

#1: What Is Your Website's Budget?
This can be a difficult question as most people aren't sure what it costs to build a site, let alone what to budget for one.

Sometimes it's easier to approach this question from the revenue standpoint. How much revenue would you like to earn this year? A hobby oriented site may not generate any revenue; while a business site would be expected to really crank out the dollars.

If your goal is to earn $100,000 the first year, I will probably not recommend an "out-of-the-box" template. The reason for this is that the website's design message (graphics, colors, emotions it conveys) will need to be aggressive and capable of grabbing the attention of your target market and holding it. To help ensure you can meet that goal, I recommend custom graphics which specifically market to your audience and are designed to attract the business you want and to discourage the business you are not interested in.

#2: Is This Site a Hobby or Business Oriented Site?
For the purposes of this article, I'm equating non-revenue generating sites to a hobby oriented sites and revenue generating sites to a business site.

If you're building a strictly information based website that talks about your favorite color or wants to educate people but not conduct sales, your site falls into the hobby category. If you are selling something (anything)...e-books, products through or have any expectations of earning money, your site falls into the business category.

#3: How Much Time Can You Devote To Your Site?
Your time is valuable! If you have the desire to build your own site, be realistic about how much time you will need. When planning website projects for clients, I spend at least two hours up front determining how I am going to build it in addition to what I am going to build.

#4: What Are Your Attention or Time Constraints
A project constraint is anything is you cannot negotiate your way around. For instance, here are some constraints that you might encounter:
A. You only have 5 hours total to spend on your project.
B. You are a strong starter, but ou have difficulty focusing or staying on track.
C. You have no Internet experience with's scary!

Now that you've answered all the questions above, see the answers below to help determine your needs.

Use Custom Graphics/Site Design If:
1. Your budget is over $500.
2. Your website is NOT a hobby and your revenue goals are above $5,000 per year.
3. You have 4-6 weeks to spend on your project.
4. You need help staying on track, and have a busy schedule.

Use a Website Template If:
1. Your budget is under $500.
2. Your website is hobby oriented (although this is not a rule).
3. You are short on time.
4. You have website design experience and are 100% self starting.

Remember, there are no hard fast rules, the suggestions above are merely to help determine which path may be more comfortable for you to take.

Friday, October 17, 2008

5 Tips to Avoid Holiday Website Meltdown

If you feel about your website or newsletter updates the way I do about Holiday shopping (ahhhhh!) than it's quite possible that you might choose to wait until the last minute to get things updated and miss out on some crucial business opportunities. Before you begin to panic, take a deep breath! The 5 tips below will help you successfully update your website or newsletter while leaving you plenty of time to relax and have fun.

Tip #1: Make Your Website/Newsletter A Priority
You've already invested either time, money or both in a newsletter or website. The truth is they can help your business be successful but ONLY if you work on them. If you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself "what emotion do I have when I think about working on my website/newsletter?"

You might be surprised to find that you feel somewhat negative. Rather than looking at these tools as a drain on your time, try and see them for the golden opportunity they can contact existing and potential customers and continue building relationships. Once you've built a loyal customer base, repeat customers can be a great source of recurring revenue.

Tip #2: Set Aside Time
This one is tricky. You may already have a full (or overflowing) plate of things to do in front of you. The key is to set aside a small amount of time on a frequency you can handle (daily, weekly). Rather than trying to simply complete your changes yourself each day or even once per week, use the time to put together a plan on how you will get your website or newsletter updated by your deadline.

Tip #3: Put Together A Plan
First things first: Your time is valuable. It's easy in today's busy world to become distracted by the phone, email or other interruptions. Make sure that when you are working on your website or newsletter that you delegate the phone to someone (if possible), close your email and focus on what you are doing.

Now that you're focused and clear on how often and for how much time you can devote to your website or newsletter, it's time to decide what you want the final product to look like. This fact alone will help you determine whether you are taking the right steps to reach your goal.

Ask yourself:

  • "Do I know exactly what needs to be changed? Which products or services need to be added or removed?"
  • "Do I need to change out graphics, text or both?"
  • "Do I have the graphics or text I need to make these changes?"
  • "If not, who do I contact to obtain them?"

You may not own your own business; you may be working for a small business owner or entrepreneur who has tasked you with completing the updates. You might need to coordinate with another employee or staff member to obtain the materials for the updates you need to make. Be sure to allow plenty of time for them to deliver the materials and for you to insert them.

If you are a small business owner doing the work yourself, your plan should include organizing the media (text/graphics) that will be updated. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time for this step (at least 30 minutes) if you already have all the materials.

Tip #4: Find Someone to Assist You
You don't have to do this alone, you can hire someone to help you. If your sacred gift is not updating your website or newsletter, there's no reason you should feel like you can't ask for help.

There are parts of the process that will need your attention (setting aside time, planning) however there ARE tasks that will not require you to be personally involved and can be delegated. In the long run, you'll accomplish more if you hire someone to do the other tasks so that you can stay focused on the parts of your business that do need your personal attention. (I can offer assistance with updating your site and newsletter so you aren't left feeling overwhelmed or alone).

Tip #5: Relax and Have Fun!
Take a deep breath and remember, this all doesn't have to get done in a single day. Fall has just begun and there is still plenty of time to see results from the holiday shopping season. That being said...procrastinating is the worst thing you can do for your business. If you only have a limited amount of time then simply start the process by clearing out any old emotions you have surrounding getting started and then set aside some time to plan.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Tip #2: What You Need To Succeed Part : Can You Spot Your Ideal Client?

Who is your ideal client? Do you know what kind of clients you want to attract into your business? I know that in the past I didn’t. I didn’t know that I could “choose” my clients. Maybe you feel the same way – aren’t all clients equal? No, they’re not.

In working with a business coach over these past few months, Michael and I have come to a greater appreciation of our clients and what they bring to us as a company. We also have come to learn that we simply couldn’t provide what some clients were looking for in their businesses and have had to say good-bye. Although that was a tough one because who wants to say farewell to a paying customer, our coach assured us that when we made space for the new clients, the ideal clients, to show up - they would. And guess what? They have and they are amazing. Some of you are new to Superb Web Design and we want to welcome you and thank you for being part of our growth and development as you allow us to assist you with yours!

What is an ideal client? Think of your most perfect client and write down everything that you like about them. Are they punctual? Do they pay on time? Are they enthusiastic about their business? Do they communicate well? Do they love to send business your way because they are natural referrers? You may even want to close your eyes and see your top 3 clients in your mind and think about what makes them great. Once you have written those qualities down, look at the list and you have the makings of your “ideal client.”

Does this work? It absolutely does and Lisa Bullock of Bullock Performance Horses is proof of that. Because Lisa fits the bill of an ideal client for us, we had great communication right from the start. Lisa felt comfortable telling me what she wanted from her site, her dreams, goals and vision for her business. She trusted us and we simply wanted to do what we do well – make our client’s dreams a reality. One look at the “spec” website we designed for her and it was love at first sight.

Does that always happen? No, but when you are working with your ideal client, it makes communication so much easier so if something is not right, you don’t feel defensive or out of sorts. You “get to work”…together, to make it right for both parties. It’s a partnership at its finest hour. We’re committed to their success and they feel that in everything we do. They’re honest and open with their expectations so everyone’s needs feel met. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Lisa is thrilled with her new website that is currently in development. We are excited to have Bullock Performance Horses as a client as we get to ride the web with her and win. Watch our website portfolio for Lisa’s website launch in mid-July! What about you? If there is anything we can do to help you grow your business to another level of success, please just let us know. And in the meantime, think about your ideal client. Because as you surround yourself with amazing people, like we have, it is a wonderful thing to experience in a business.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tip #1: How Do I Organize My Website?

How Do I Organize My Website?

This is a great question and one I'm asked often. Here's how I like to convey the importance of organization...

Have you ever been to the grocery store specifically to find that one item you need in a hurry? Now imagine you're in the car, you have your list and you've set aside 30 minutes to carefully maneuver your way down that aisles to find everything. 30-minutes should be enough because you know how the store is laid out and exactly where to find things.

You search the store only to discover that Peanut Butter has been moved and is now located on the aisle with the Household Cleaners next to the bleach and abrasive cleaners. What?! That's the question I'd be asking myself. Not only is this inconvenient, it's plain frustrating! Since when do Peanut Butter and Bleach go together?

Organization is key to helping your clients quickly and easily locate what they need from your website. After all, they probably have a limited amount of time in which to spend on it and believe me, if they can't find something - they won't hang out!

The grocery store at some point gave careful consideration to grouping like products together in an effort to help you, the customer, shop. You may be thinking, "Krista - this is just plain common sense!" I'd have to agree with you, but I can't even tell you how many websites I visit where a consideration for the customer has been waylaid by a concern for flashy graphics, cute effects and someone thinking that flash without organization is actually effective. I'm here to tell you, IT'S NOT!

So, guideline number one is...
Group like things together.
How to Start: Take a notepad and pencil and hit your website on the Internet. Look at each page and determine:
1. What products compliment one another?
2. What services compliment one another?

Now ask yourself, should these products/services be located on the same page? If they are alike, consider grouping them on the same page or create a handy spot on your page called "You May Also Like" and place links to other products the client may be interested in. This benefits your client because it saves them time involved in searching as they can easily navigate your website. This in turn benefits you because it reduces the chances they will become frustrated and leave your website without purchasing or contacting you.

Guideline number two is...
Remove outdated information.
How to start: Have you ever noticed the amount of effort a store puts into making the produce appear fresh, and clean? This makes sense right? A grocery store wouldn't leave produce out to become old and rotten. So why would you leave content on your website to become old and stale?

Although we're not dealing with a shelf life necessarily, there are factors that make removing old content from your website something you should take seriously. Visitors will often judge how well you manage your business by how fresh your website is. If for instance the news on the site is six months old, a visitor may decide that you will handle all of your business with the same attention and enthusiasm you put into updating your website. Although this seems shallow, remember, in business perception is reality.

Second, search engines LOVE fresh content. I'll say it again, search engines LOVE, love, love fresh content. The more you update, the more they'll want to visit.

Guideline number three is...
Draw attention to what you have to offer.

How to start:
Grocery stores are constantly placing stands up front by the door to catch your eye and draw you to "What's New." Do the same with your website! Make a list of all new or changed products/services and feature them on your homepage (if possible) or in a "What's New" box with links to be sure prospective clients see them.

Now, if you're feeling overwhelmed or just plain put off by the prospect of combing through your website to organize it for the fall season, give me a call. Website tune-ups are a specialty and I'd love to work with you!